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Hiring the Right Person for Your Property


6 Ways to Hire the Right Person for Your Property


According to the Harvard Business Review, 80% of turnover is due to bad hiring decisions. In particular, these bad hiring decisions stem from flawed hiring practices. Hiring the right person takes more than just posting a catchy job ad or skimming resumes; it is a system that must be constantly evolving and improving to match the needs if your property.

Here’s how:

1.    Know Exactly What You Are Looking For

Picture your ideal candidate—and then think about what characteristics they have. Whether you stick closely to a checklist or have more broad requirements, knowing exactly what you are looking for ahead of time will save lost time and energy down the road.

2.    Take a Close Look at Credentials

How many years has a candidate worked in the industry? Do they have any formal training? Resume’s can be polished to look professional; but don’t be fooled by someone who doesn’t have enough relevant experience.

3.    Have a Standardized Hiring Process

From the time you post a job opening to a hire’s first few weeks you should have a set process for each step of the way. This standardized set up should most likely include application procedures, interview questions, and a timeline.

4.    Use Your Team for Referrals

If you have employees on your property that are already thriving, chances are they will have a good sense of who would likewise be successful at your property. Asking around your current staff for new employee referrals could lead you to a gold mine with relatively little hassle.

5.    Continue to Train Once Hired

The hiring process doesn’t end on an employee’s first day; rather, it should continue on as a new hire is trained and integrated into your apartment property. Very few people will thrive in a new work environment without clear instruction and support.

6.    “Test Drive” Candidates – Use a Staffing Company

Someone may look great on paper—they may even act their interview—but how do you know if they will fit with your property’s culture? One way is to have candidates work a couple of days onsite to see if they are a good fit! A staffing company is a cost-efficient way to do this, as they will already have a pool of skilled candidates to match with your property.


Don’t settle during your hiring process—keep searching until you find the missing piece of your team. Hiring top talent equals making top profits, and saving the hassle of having to hire again in a few months.

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