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Property Managers, Save Your Sanity!

Finding a skilled, quality, leasing or maintenance professional is no menial task. In fact, it can be so difficult and time consuming, there is an entire industry devoted to helping property managers find quality talent!

Losing a good apartment industry professional costs you time, money, and often a little sanity! Every good property manager wants their employees to succeed and grow- ideally with their current management company.  Are you doing everything you can to make sure your employees are happy? A little extra effort and attention can go a long way in keeping your team happy, and sparing yourself the difficulties that come with a new hire.

Here are some relatively simple things you can do as a property manager to make sure you are keeping a happy team!

  1. Inspiring Activities– The more clarity your team has on the direction they are going, and the goals they are trying to accomplish, the more excited they will be to contribute to those results. Consider playing an inspiring talk or film for your staff, and exploring team dynamics from a place of common interest. Inspiring speeches can move people to put aside their differences and work together for something bigger than themselves.
  2. Equalizing Activities– Letting employees know that, regardless of their position or rank, they are equally imperative to the success of the team can bring an office closer together, and create a sense of harmony. Try bringing them together by setting a stage where they are all at the same level. For example, challenge them to raise money for a charity as a group. The added bonus of working together for a good cause could unite them even further.
  3. Feedback– An important aspect of asking for employee feedback is ACTING on employee feedback. Collectively select specific issues to work on and create action plans together. There is no point in asking for feedback if you plan to ignore it. Quarterly, all employees should collaborate and come up with one great thing the company is doing, and one thing that needs to change in the company. Give them the opportunity to present it to the Regional manager (or high level management).
  4. Playing Favorites– Do not play favorites. When the property manager spends a lot of time praising and recognizing one employee, but not others it can cause jealousy and create a ridge between employees. This isn’t to say that you should under appreciate an exceptional employee. Distribute praise evenly and appropriately. While public praise is usually best, one-on-one praise can be just as fulfilling for an employee.
  5. Take Time to Care– I know we are all busy with a million things to do, but taking time to get to know your employees can go a long way. Simple things like remembering family member and pet name’s, let them know that you are listening and care.
  6. Provide Training– When employees show interest in moving up in their career, give them the opportunity to follow their boss or someone in the roll they wish to embody for a day. Help them learn something new. Let them know you care about their growth as an individual. Shadowing employees in different roles can help an employee understand all parts of an organization. Providing external development opportunities is also important. Don’t forget to link training and development planning to strategic goals.
  7. Lead By Example– Your habits and leadership will rub off on them. You should never dip below the bar you set, and expect your team to perform at. If you check out for a two and half hour lunch every Friday afternoon for a mani/pedi- don’t be surprised when others follow suit.

Try out one or two of these helpful suggestions, and see if you notice a boost in moral or team commitment. Save yourself the stress of being under-staffed, and on the hunt for a new team member. Keeping your team happy… is the key to keeping your team.

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