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Does Your Job Search Seem Never-Ending?

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Never-Ending Job Search? Maybe You’re Making These Mistakes


Drawn-out job searches take a heavy toll, both emotionally and financially. The median time it takes to find a job today is 16.3 weeks, which is relatively high compared to a decade ago. What’s more, if you are unemployed for more than 6 months, studies have shown that employers are much less likely to consider your resume.

If your job search feels like it’s never ending, perhaps you are making one of these 3 common mistakes. Here’s what not to do and how to bring your job searching days to an end:


Mistake #1: You Don’t Know What You Want

Some applicants approach the job search process by applying to a wide range of jobs all at once, hoping that they will get lucky with one. This idea usually backfires, with the applicant not getting any responses.

If you know exactly what kind of job you want, you can spend your time becoming the perfect candidate for the position. For example, if you decide you want an apartment job, narrow down what part of town, what size property, and what kind of environment you want to work in. Once you know exactly what type of apartment job you want, hone your resume and skills to become what that position requires.

Not sure what industry you want to work in? Check out this handy guide on finding your dream job from Careerealism.


Mistake #2: You Aren’t Changing Your Strategy

If your job search is dragging on but you aren’t seeing the results you’d like, then it’s time to alter your strategy. Try changing up these tactics:

  • Write a new resume from scratch
  • Deliver your resume in person if you’ve only emailed it
  • Take a training course to learn new skills for your resume
  • If you don’t have a skills section on your resume, add one
  • If you don’t have a good cover letter, write one
  • If you do have a cover letter, give it makeover
  • Follow up with employers by emailing or calling to make sure they’ve received your resume


Mistake #3: You Aren’t Asking for Help

Networking is one of the most effective ways to find a new job; but you will never find a new job through your network if you don’t ask them. Family, friends, and social media are all good places to start letting people know that you are job searching. If you haven’t already, pick up the phone, send a few emails, or post a status on Facebook asking for some help.


The conclusion: Job searching for weeks or months can be a drag, but don’t let it warp your perspective. You will find a job eventually, and it’s okay to take a step back now to re-evaluate your strategy.

Now that you know the mistakes not to make, here’s what to do instead:

1.)   Figure out what you want from your job search

2.)   Change what isn’t working in your job search to reach your goals

3.)   Ask for help from your personal & professional networks

With today’s average job search times being so long, don’t stretch out the process more than it needs to be by making the above mistakes. If you aren’t seeing the results you would like from your job search, now is the time to shift your strategy.

Ask Hire Priority for Help! Submit your resume for a job placement or free resume consultation here and one of our offices in Houston, Austin, or San Antonio will contact you.


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