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Social Media Manners for Your Career

5 Social Media Manners to Help Your Career

With so many social media platforms today, harnessing their networking power for professional benefit can be an invaluable practice. From LinkedIn to Facebook, refine your social media manners and give your career a boost with these 5 steps:

1.)  Complete Your LinkedIn Profile

If you have a LinkedIn account you can use it to complete the majority of your online professional networking. Because LinkedIn is geared for a professional audience, it will be the first place potential or current employers check you out online. Maintaining a complete and up to date LinkedIn profile is becoming common courtesy in the social media world of business.

2.)  Sign Up for Social Media Profiles

Beyond LinkedIn, other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter can be useful for your career. There may be other industry-specific social media sites that could also benefit your online presence, but starting with the most common is a fail-proof method.

3.)  Make-over Your Social Media Profiles

Depending on your position and industry, your social media profiles should ideally communicate who you are professionally and resonate with your target audience. For example, if you work in the apartment industry, finding ways to demonstrate that you know the latest industry-trends, or are passionate about your work could go a long way. A complete makeover may be necessary in some cases if your social media account was created prior to beginning your current position.

4.)  Make Regular Updates

Consistent and regular updates on social media outlets are received much better than sporadic ones. The process of building your online brand can be accelerated through consistent updates. As you post regular updates your audience will come to expect when you will communicate with them and is more likely to become engaged.

5.)  Follow Leaders in Your Field

Following individuals and companies who are experts in your profession is another way to establish the online aspect of your career. If you are in the apartment industry this could be anyone from cutting-edge properties, high-powered individuals, or popular speakers. In addition to following them, actually interacting with these accounts online can also give your reputation a boost.

Navigating the world of social media for career purposes can be a daunting task. While building a successful online presence may take time, rather than a magical formula, these steps can ensure the process is beneficial.

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